The MR Fam Biz website is just to facilitate a main name for various business ventures by the family of MR.
Banks and online services make a lot of demands on people, who want to break free from the daily rat-race.
All our various efforts to make extra income and have hustles of various kinds will therefore be under the umbrella of this name, but will be marketed by other domain names. This is 100% legit and doable, even if banks, tax-officers etc. do not like to mention this option for start-ups. Maybe because they earn money on every start up that has a business plan and starts accounts in banks and online platforms as well as their consultant fees.
Doing it this way enables us to have one multifaceted business. We have nothing to hide, but this enables us to run different businesses on different websites with the benefit that customers see one business and not many. This keeps things simple for the customers.
We want to serve you in the best way possible, including simplicity of dealing with us on each of our websites. This is the owner of the others. When you pay for one or more of our services and products, you may encounter our name on the payment platform, on your receipt, after you paid and in the legal terms pages of the website you purchased from or signed up to. Aside from that you will just see the business name of the branded domain on the website you encountered first.